Haru Sato
Haru Sato is an experienced product designer and wood master. He has more than 16 years of woodworking experience. People call him “Sato Shujin”, meaning Sato Master. Currently the Chief Designer in Mokuomo, Haru is capable of transforming all ordinary wood into different amazing and unprecedented masterpieces.

A Bit of Background
Haru is a wood master based in Kyoto, Japan. He was born and raised in Hokkaido and moved to Kyoto when he was 14. Haru loves playing all kinds of small toy since he was young. His father was also a very experienced and passionate wood master in Japan who mainly designed and built wood furniture. Combining his father and his own passion, Haru has successfully developed many popular and interesting wooden toy and home décor products.

Haru’s Design Philosophy
“Less is more” he always said. You can easily tell that Haru is a true minimalism by talking to him for 5 minutes. He embraced the Japanese minimalist design philosophy not only in his designed product, but also in his home and lifestyle.

Minimalist Design Concept
Minimalist encourages a serene, simple and direct way of living. This concept also applies to product. Through out the product development process, you can see that the colour, the cutting or even the polish Haru used are so clear and natural. But being clear and nature does not necessarily mean being boring. Instead, it gives people a sense of tranquillity and peacefulness.

His Favourite Kind of Wood
“Pine. No doubt at all.” Haru answered when he was being asking what’s his favourite kind of wood. “Pine wood is just naturally amazing. Its appearance, its aroma and its texture are just incredible. Pine’s natural orangish colour can embellish your whole room and make it looks bright and full of energy.” He continued.

A Popular Kind of Wood
Undoubtedly, pine wood has become many people’s favourite in recent years because of its special features. Pine is a coniferous plant that is extremely sensitive to temperature. It is also capable at purifying air and enhancing air quality. Its texture is so soft and at the same time light weighted. These are also some of the reasons that Pine wood has become Haru’s favourite.