Oak tree represents courage and strength. Because of its glorious history, the oak tree is related to many ancient myths. In Norse mythology, the oak tree was the sacred tree of Thor; in ancient Greek mythology, the oak tree was the sacred tree of Zeus and was deeply loved by Zeus; and in Slavic mythology, the oak tree was a tree that are very important to Peron. From there, you can tell that oak tree has very close relationship in human culture and has a very powerful image in people’s mind.

Meaning To Career

Oak wood symbolizes courage, strength and perseverance. All of these qualities are essential for success in careers. The oak tree is well-known as the most powerful tree on earth. It is being picked as the national tree by many countries, such as the United States. The reason that oak trees have the symbol of power not only because of their strong appearance and glorious history, but also because they can withstand different harsh environments and situation. The oak tree can be perceived as the giant in the world of trees.

Characteristics Of Oak Wood

Oak trees mainly grow in Europe, Russia, Thailand and North America. Oak wood is heavy and hard, and has straight and twill grain. In terms of color, based on different surrounding environment, oak wood can have different colors, ranging from tawny to reddish-brown color. Because oak wood is hard and durable, it is not easy to cut or nail. The impressive aroma is another strong selling point of oak wood and has a long-standing reputation. With the special aroma, oak wood barrel has become such as inevitable element when brewing high quality wine.

Oak wood has so many impressive meanings and characteristics. If you are interested, please feel free to check out our collection. We are Mokuomo. Our vision is to craft, polish and strive to offer the most natural and minimalist collection for everyone to practice slow living.